Summerlin, Las Vegas, and Henderson Nevada
Dental anxiety is a real issue! It is more common than you might think. Research estimates that nearly 9 to 15 percent of all people in America avoid the dentist because they suffer from dental anxiety. As a result, their oral health declines. This avoidance can threaten their overall health.
If you or a member of your family suffers from dental anxiety, there is no reason for this condition to stand in the way of receiving the necessary oral care that you and your family need. At Inspire Dental of Summerlin, we offer nitrous oxide also known as “laughing gas,” to patients with dental anxiety.
Nitrous oxide is ideal for patients that:
- Experience jaw discomfort or difficulty controlling their muscles for an extended period of time
- Strong gag reflex
- Inability to sit still for lengthy appointments
- Are undergoing extensive cosmetic dentistry or surgical treatments
- Have dental anxiety
- Desire a comfortable, relaxing experience at the dentist
What is nitrous oxide, and how does it work?
Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is an odorless and colorless gas. Dentists began administering the gas for its calming effects as early as the mid-1800’s. We administer it to patients via a mask that covers the nose. The patient simply breathes in and out normally, as the gas takes effect.
A patient does not fall asleep and maintains awareness of his or her surroundings. Even though you are awake and aware, the gas generates a calming effect which eases any fear or anxiety. You will be able to speak and breathe on your own. The gas also helps those who have a difficult time getting numb as they may experience a more positive visit while receiving their treatments. Plus, it helps make the time go by faster!
The effects of the gas wear off quickly once our staff cuts off the flow of the gas, allowing the patient to breathe regular air. Within a matter of minutes, you will feel yourself again. The best part about it is that you can drive yourself from the office at the conclusion of your appointment, and resume your regular activities afterward.
Is nitrous oxide safe?
Nitrous oxide is safe for most healthy individuals. However, it should not be used on patients who are pregnant or individuals who may have a certain pre-existing condition that may exclude them as a candidate for nitrous oxide. Keep in mind that it is important to share your complete medical history with the dentist before receiving nitrous oxide. Las Vegas dentist Dr. Matthew Wilson can then assess the risks, if any, and discuss those with you during your consultation.
Are there any side effects?
Rarely, if any, side effects occur in association with nitrous oxide. Studies have revealed that nausea and vomiting may result if too much of the gas is used. Be sure to let the dental staff know if you begin to feel sick. Dr. Wilson and our staff are required to undergo training and obtain certification to administer nitrous oxide. Let your confidence rest in us, as we safely monitor you throughout your procedure.
Nitrous Oxide in Summerlin
Do not let dental anxiety prevent you from receiving proper care. Contact our office at (702) 331-4700 to learn more about nitrous oxide or sedation dentistry.
Inspire Dental of Summerlin welcomes patients of Summerlin, Las Vegas, and Henderson, Nevada.